2004 HSH Halloween Camp at Ho'omaluhia

Waiting for the fish to nibble
Waiting for the fish to nibble

Raking out the elodea water plant
Raking out the elodea water plant

Broomhilda after the beer bust
Broomhilda after the beer bust

Giving Jack-O-Lantern a face to remember
Giving Jack-O-Lantern a face to remember

Camp Farrington
Camp Farrington

Setting up Camp Waipahu
Setting up Camp Waipahu

HSH terrors -or- terrorists
HSH terrors -or- terrorists

Lost tourists asking directions to
Lost tourists asking directions to "Wacky-Wacky"

Halloween audience
Halloween audience

Da Witch
Da Witch

Halloween Costume Contest Winnahs
Halloween Costume Contest Winnahs

There's a hot dog in there somewhere
There's a hot dog in there somewhere

Huli-Huli Campers
Huli-Huli Campers

Spam, anyone?
Spam, anyone?

Koolau mountain in the morning mist
Koolau mountain in the morning mist

Doctor Bob and his foot fetish
Doctor Bob and his foot fetish


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