Kalaupapa Service Trip, January 1999


A very happy crew before they got muddy working at Kalaupapa national Park in Molokai.

Back (L-R): Jamie Tanino, David White, Ian Robertson, Dean Alexander (NPS superintendant), Natalie Borrello, Adaline Kam, Waimea Williams, Nicole Both

Front (L-R): John Cummings III (leader), Michael Ahulau, Debbie Naclerio, Kanani Reid (cook), Sherine Boomla (asst leader), Nina Yuen, Jeremy Toguchi (NPS volunteer)

[Click here for a larger image]

Kaluapapa, known as the Hansen's Disease colony is a lonely promontory jutting out into the sea from the towering sea-cliffs of the north shore of Molokai. Access is by boat, plane or down a 2000 feet high switchback trail either by foot or mule.

Looking seaward, the rugged coastline silently resists the pounding waves that smash against the rocks and pier.
