The High School Hikers Program
of the Sierra Club, Hawaii Chapter

Halloween Camp

Last update

HALLOWEEN CAMP 2004 - Erron Yoshioka

A. Saturday, October 23 at Hoomaluhia, Kahua Nui (last campground).

B. Be sure to check in at the administration office and get passes for all vehicles staying overnight in the park.

C. Agenda for the Evening Activities:
Before 4:00 pm
? Schools arrive.
4:00 - 6:00 pm
? Dinner preparation
? Clubs are to carve their pumpkins on site for the Carving Contest. Schools are to provide their own pumpkin.
5:00 - 6:00 pm
? Dinner (Clubs to provide meals for their own members).
? Deliver pumpkins to pavilion by 6:30 pm.
6:15 pm
? Clubs meet in the gathering area.
? Those participating in the costume contest need to be in costume before coming.
6:30 - 8:00 pm
? Introduction of schools and advisors/kokua people.
? Judging of pumpkins (School - Farrington).
? Judging of costume contest (School - Leilehua).
? Awards for the pumpkin carving and costume contest.
? Storytelling by schools (no longer than 10 minutes @ school).
? Storytelling by guest Kawika Hasegawa.
8:00 - 9:00 pm
? Halloween Hike (School - Moanalua and Farrington)
? People not staying over need to go on the hike first.
? Gates will open from 8:45 - 9:00 pm for those people not staying over.
11:00 pm
? Lights out. Quiet time enforced! No alcohol please!

D. Farrington and Leilehua will get their own prizes for the pumpkin and costume contests.

E. For school storytelling, Erron recommended selecting one person with a loud voice. Will also provide copies of spooky stories that night for schools to use if the don't have a story to tell.

F. Camp fee is $2.00 per person. Pay Jeannette.

G. Halloween Hike T-shirt fundraiser - Leilani: Selling T-shirts with specially created HSH orange pumpkin design (click HERE to see design) on a black shirt. Put in your order to Lei by this Friday, Oct. 15.
1. Women's Baby T-shirt - $9.00 @ shirt, XS to L.
2. Men's T-shirt - $9.00 @ shirt, S - XL; $10 for XXL.

H. Bob will contact John re. PA system, screen, and media equipment.

I. Bob will bring a movie in case of bad weather.

J. Liz will bring wood for the fire.

For Info or Comments, email HSH (at) aditl (dot) com

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